Saturday, August 15, 2009

NEWS: £45 zombie movie gets UK cinema release

The zombie film Colin made for a total of £45 (yupp, you heard me) is being launched in UK cinemas days ahead of its DVD release.

Colin is written and directed by first-time filmmaker Marc Price, and are a horror film penned over three months during his job at a London courier firm, The Guardian reports.

He says: "I had been a fan of Romero's films but I didn't have the money to copy them. I knew my only hope was to find a new angle. Then it hit me: why not do a movie from the point of view of a zombie? We went on Facebook and MySpace and said, 'Who wants to be a zombie?' We managed to get 50 brilliantly made-up zombies and stuff them into a living room. The lead character is named after my dad. He is a steelworker and it was his love of movies that first inspired me to think about making films."

Colin was shot on borrowed equipment and recovered tapes before being shown at Cannes, leading to a distribution deal and its upcoming nationwide release on October 23.

See the trailer here!

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